Multiple car companies continue to drive towards the finish line in the race to create the latest and most advanced electric car available, but there…
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Stanford Creates DeLorean That Drives Under Robot Control
PALO ALTO, Calif. –We may not have hover boards and robots as waiters but we are half way there to the future we predicted in…
How Can Your Car Help You To Drive
Car companies, now focus on helping drivers increase their driving experience by adding more features to their new automotive creations, but few drivers know what…
Automakers Are Unable To Go Further With Connected Vehicles Until They Are No Longer Able To Be Hacked
Connectivity in an automotive makes it easier for the driver but also creates certain risks as well. Connected vehicles hold tremendous potential for improving road safety…
New Strategy For Car Makers, Share The Bare Minimum With Tech Companies
Will the advancements in technology and automotive decrease in pace once car makers continue to share the bare minimum of information to get the results…
GM’s New Hybrid Collection Is Revealed
Hybrid is the new black in the automotive field. GM recently released their plan to release several new hybrid plug in options for every consumer.…